Is drunker is eligible to make vote తాగిన వ్యక్తి ఓటుకు అర్హుడా ? alcohol consumption problems

Is drunker is eligible to make vote?

తాగి వాహనాన్ని నడిపే వ్యక్తి ప్రమాదానికి గురైతే అతనికి లేదా కొద్ది మందికే ప్రమాదం అదే వ్యక్తి ఓటు వెయ్యటం వలన ఈ దేశాన్నే ప్రమాదంలోకి నెట్టేస్తాడు.

దమ్ముండే రాజకీయ నాయకుడు ఎలక్షన్ అప్పుడు డబ్బు,మద్యం,దొంగోట్లు,....లాంటివి లేకుండా ఎన్నికల్లో గెలుస్తాడు.
అలా గెలిచినా వ్యక్తే నిజమైన నాయకుడు. ఇలాంటి వ్యక్తి ప్రజలకు మేలు చేస్తాడు.
అలాంటి నాయకుడు కావాలి మనదేశానికి.

How can work performance be affected by alcohol consumption?

Alcohol consumption can affect work performance in several ways:

Absences - There is ample evidence that people with alcohol dependence and drinking problems are on sick leave more frequently than other employees, with a significant cost to employees, employers, and social security systems. In Costa Rica, an estimated 30% of absenteeism may be due to alcohol. In Australia, a survey showed that workers with drinking problems are nearly 3 times more likely than others to have injury-related absences from work.

Work accidents - In Great Britain, up to 25% of workplace accidents and around 60% of fatal accidents at work may be linked to alcohol. In India about 40% of work accidents have been attributed to alcohol use.

Productivity - Heavy drinking at work may reduce productivity. In Latvia, 10% of productivity losses are attributed to alcohol. Performance at work may be affected both by the volume and pattern of drinking. Co-workers perceive that heavy drinkers have lower performance, problems in personal relationships and lack of self-direction, though drinkers themselves do not necessarily perceive effects on their work performance

Unemployment- Heavy drinking or alcohol abuse may lead to unemployment and unemployment may lead to increased drinking.


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