Naluguroadlu Village in Chittoor District Andrapradesh, India
Naluguroadlu - 4 Roads or Madi Cross
VILLAGE NAME : Naluguroadlu
DISTRICT : Chittoor
STATE : Andhra Pradesh
MANDAL NAME : Gangavaram
PINCODE : 517432
POST OFFICE : Gandrajupalli
REGION : Rayalaseema
STD CODE : 8579
Naluguroadlu is a small Village/hamlet in Gangavaram Mandal in Chittoor District of Andhra Pradesh State, India.
It comes under Gandrajupalle Panchayath. It belongs to Rayalaseema region .
It is located 64 KM towards west from District head quarters Chittoor. 20 KM from Gangavaram. 544 KM from State capital Hyderabad
Naluguroadlu Pin code is 517432 and postal head office is Gandrajupalli .
Naluguroadlu is surrounded by Peddapanjani Mandal towards North , Gangavaram Mandal towards East , Palamaner Mandal towards East , Punganur Mandal towards North .
Punganur , Mulbagal , Palamaner , Madanapalle are the nearby Cities to Naluguroadlu.
Naluguroadlu Pin code is 517432 and postal head office is Gandrajupalli .
Naluguroadlu is surrounded by Peddapanjani Mandal towards North , Gangavaram Mandal towards East , Palamaner Mandal towards East , Punganur Mandal towards North .
Punganur , Mulbagal , Palamaner , Madanapalle are the nearby Cities to Naluguroadlu.
About NaluguRoadlu
Temples Near By:
1. Sri KamiDoddi Gangamamba
2. Patnapalli Kontetiraya
3. Boyakonda Gangamma
4. Mogili
5. Bangaru Tirupati
Demographics of Naluguroadlu
Telugu is the Local Language here. Total population of Naluguroadlu is 5682 .Males are 2882 and Females are 2,800 living in 1080 Houses. Total area of Naluguroadlu is 1537 hectares.HOW TO REACH Naluguroadlu
By Road
Chittoor is the Nearest Town to Naluguroadlu. Chittoor is 60 km from Naluguroadlu. Road connectivity is there from Chittoor to Naluguroadlu. From Palamaner it's around 16 kms long.By Rail
There is no railway station near to Naluguroadlu in less than 10 km. How ever there are railway Stations from Near By town Chittoor. are the railway Stations near to Chittoor. You can reach from Chittoor to Naluguroadlu by road after . How ever Bangarapet Rail Way Station is major railway station 55 KM near to NaluguroadluBy Bus
Bai Reddy Pally APSRTC Bus Station , Bireddypally APSRTC Bus Station , Palamaneru APSRTC Bus Station are the nearby by Bus Stations to Naluguroadlu .APSRTC runs Number of busses from major cities to here.Colleges near Naluguroadlu
Sree Vidya Arts & Science Degree CollegeAddress : ,mpl Road, Sainagar,gangavaram,palamaner-517408.
Sri Muni Narayana Jr Coll GangavaramAddress :
Sri Padmavathi Women?s Degree CollegeAddress : Near By Gundu Bavi; Madanapalli Rd; Gangavaram; Chittoor Dist.
Sri Sai Degree CollegeAddress : Sai Vidyanagar A; Gangavaram (v); Chittoor Dist.?517408.
Sv Degree CollegeAddress : Kothapalle Mitta; Sr Puram (m); Chittoor Dist.?517167.
Schools in Naluguroadlu
Sri Sai English Medium school, Zphs GandrajupalleContact
Balaji G
S/o Gangulappa G
NaluguRoadlu Village
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